“Tell us about yourself” – how to answer this question

You have sent your CV for an excellent vacancy and have been invited for an interview. You have already passed the first stage of looking for jobs in Qatar, but then you have to overcome …

Tell us about yourself

You have sent your CV for an excellent vacancy and have been invited for an interview. You have already passed the first stage of looking for jobs in Qatar, but then you have to overcome an even more difficult task – to make a positive impression at the interview, not only as a good specialist but also as a nice person.

Most experts agree that it is difficult to improvise on this question – it is better to think through and even rehearse the answer beforehand at home. It would be best if you had a free and informative story lasting from 2 to 4 minutes.

Tell about yourself at the interview as a specialist – how you entered the profession, where you studied, where you worked, why you changed jobs, and your primary skills and achievements.

Telling about yourself is quite a common form of acquaintance between the employer and the candidate. But what does the employer want to hear? What information is essential for him when he asks you to tell about yourself? The two most important rules for answering this question can be described as follows:

  • disclose user information to the employer,
  • keep the story of your life private.
  • Imagine that your story about yourself is like a trailer for a film, which should be about what the film itself will be about. Asking you to tell about yourself, the employer wants to know about your knowledge and skills needed to work in his company.

Now let's take a closer look at what principles you must adhere to when asked to tell about yourself at the interview.

Think over and rehearse your story in advance. Remember that it will be helpful to you in any case, so it is better to be prepared than to understand feverishly at the interview what else you forgot to tell.

Tell us about your previous experience – what position you held, what tasks you faced, and most importantly – about your achievements in work. Even if, at first glance, it seems impossible to highlight any specific achievements such as "increased sales" or "achieved a 10% reduction in costs", then think about how to describe this nuance in advance. For example, a tutor or teacher can "boast" of students' increased attendance or performance. If you have little work experience, it will not be superfluous to mention the success in learning.

Mention why you are currently looking for a job. You do not need to tell in detail: if this moment is essential to the recruiter, he will clarify and ask an additional question.

Of course, you should prepare a short story about yourself for each specific situation. Find out as much as possible about the company you are invited to in advance, and reread the vacancy. If your work requires a non-standard and creative approach, then when talking about yourself, try to avoid clichés and standard sets of phrases. You can even add a joke or, for example, tell about yourself in poetry. On the other hand, if you are applying for a position that requires scrupulousness and analytical skills, it is better to make your story restrained, short, and logical.

Work on your voice. The inarticulate speech will ruin everything, even if you have a perfect story about yourself. Keep the pace. If you gibber, the recruiter will need more time to understand you. If you speak slowly, quietly, and inaudibly – it will be uninteresting.

Pump up your diction. You want to be kept from being constantly interrupted, right? So take an uncomfortable for articulating the "bouquet" of consonants – k, t, p, and say it many times at different speeds. You can also hold a pencil horizontally between your teeth and tell your story with it and then without it.

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